Did you know that Durham Community Preschool is a nonprofit? Our founding parents worked for two years to get our nonprofit status. Most half-day preschools operate as ministries of the church where they are located. Since DCP rents space from a local church, we have $24,000+ in annual overhead costs that typical half-day programs do not. Donations make a huge difference! We use these monies to help purchase new materials for the classroom, to provide training for our teachers and to organize new, exciting experiences for children. All donations are tax deductible and much appreciated!
Want to support the preschool in other ways?
We have a wish list on Amazon with teacher requests and if you are local, it’s helpful for any families, friends, work buddies or neighbors to link their Harris Teeter VIC card to DCP (our number is 3118). A portion of your purchase will be donated to our school (no added cost to you). Your Harris Teeter VIC card can be linked at the register or online (DCP is #3118.) Be sure to re-link your cards each August 🙂